There is no reference to the United States of America in the Book of Revelation. Why? Did the USA fall victim to a war, or did it just fall apart?
I believe, we are seeing the end of the United States of America. The unfettered illegal immigration, political parties with their hands in their pockets as the country becomes more and more lawless, and lack of a social standards has put our nation on the edge of extinction. We live in a time, in which, men are transitioning to women, women to men, and babies are not assigned a gender at birth, so they can determine at a later date, what gender they declare themselves.
This, of course, would depend on whether or not, the baby survives inside, or outside the womb. Legislation has been considered, or passed, that would allow a baby that survives an abortion, to be killed outside the womb, after being made comfortable. Can a nation that has killed millions of unborn babies, and now, abortion survivors, be long for this world? Not only do we openly kill the newborn, we now allow shadowy euthanasia for the elderly.
We have become not just a culture of death, but a nation that embraces death. Assisted suicide, and suicide in general, no longer shocks us, and has become an acceptable solution to life’s problems. There is no outrage as the murder rate rises around the country. Witness won’t testify, or come forward, and the legal system may, or may not, punish the killer.
We place no value on life, and we are now reaping what we have sewn. The United States will not have a role in the “End Times,” because it turned from God, and He withdrew His protective hands, and we willingly destroyed ourselves, from within.
Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
Jeremiah 1:5
I believe, we are seeing the end of the United States of America. The unfettered illegal immigration, political parties with their hands in their pockets as the country becomes more and more lawless, and lack of a social standards has put our nation on the edge of extinction. We live in a time, in which, men are transitioning to women, women to men, and babies are not assigned a gender at birth, so they can determine at a later date, what gender they declare themselves.
This, of course, would depend on whether or not, the baby survives inside, or outside the womb. Legislation has been considered, or passed, that would allow a baby that survives an abortion, to be killed outside the womb, after being made comfortable. Can a nation that has killed millions of unborn babies, and now, abortion survivors, be long for this world? Not only do we openly kill the newborn, we now allow shadowy euthanasia for the elderly.
We have become not just a culture of death, but a nation that embraces death. Assisted suicide, and suicide in general, no longer shocks us, and has become an acceptable solution to life’s problems. There is no outrage as the murder rate rises around the country. Witness won’t testify, or come forward, and the legal system may, or may not, punish the killer.
We place no value on life, and we are now reaping what we have sewn. The United States will not have a role in the “End Times,” because it turned from God, and He withdrew His protective hands, and we willingly destroyed ourselves, from within.
Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
Jeremiah 1:5