After a brief discussion of how my lack of faith had cost us time and almost ruined the day, I realized that Sally was more on target than I had ever imagined. I began to think of all the times I had plugged in an address to go to a business meeting, or meet friends at a restaurant, never doubting that my GPS would get me there, on time. However, when it came to my relationship with God, I was willing to go it alone, not even looking at the map He had provided.
I had often joked that people had more faith in their GPSs than the Bible, and Sally pointed out that it wasn’t just people, it was me. It is funny how when my GPS told me to turn on a street, that turned out to be a driveway or a dead end road, I’d laugh; turn around and head on down the road. Yet in my life, when things were going bad, I’d stop grumble and ask God for a short cut. As I learned from reading Proverbs 20:24, “A person’s steps are directed by the Lord, How can then anyone understand their own way?” (Quest Study Bible, NIV)
The problem I was having is that I’d sit at my computer, update my GPS, study the route and be prepared. Ah, if only I could say I did the same thing with my personal and spiritual life. There was a time when my life was spinning out of control, and each road I took lead to a dead end, or a long painful journey of self-discovery. By not properly preparing myself, I was driving in circles, running out of gas, and forever lost on life’s highways.
Although I had heard, but never experienced this, it seems that most guys won’t ask for directions, preferring to pretend they know where they are going no matter how long it takes to get there. Or ask their significant other to get the directions for them. For whatever reason, we fear asking for help. Fortunately with Sally as my co-pilot, I was able to tune into God’s GPS signal and the road map for my life, the Bible. If we are willing to trust satellites circling the Earth to guide us to our destinations, we can trust the Creator of the heavens to lead us to our final destination in Paradise. “The Lord is good, a refuge for those who trust in him.” (Nahum 1:7, Quest Study Bible, NIV)
Don’t wander around in circles, hoping your spiritual GPS can guide you to the Promised Land. Listen to the voice of Jesus, and trust Him to lead you where you are meant to be.