The willingness to comply to this loss of freedom, and individuality makes me wonder if there will be any resistance to the "Mark of the Beast," described in the Book of Revelation? I seriously doubt it. The dark forces in this world have witnessed us failing the test; and now know, that the compliance of many is a given.
People are willing to get the experimental jab, to get back to normal. How long will the lines be to take the Mark of the beast work, eat, buy, and sell; and be come a member of the "new normal?" From COVID19 to 666...
'It Will be the End of Freedom': Oregon Gov. Requires Proof of COVID Vaccinations to Enter Churches, Businesses | CBN News
NY Now Has 'COVID-19' Passport to Prove Vaccination - Will Colleges Also Require Students to Be Vaccinated? | CBN News
Workplaces can require employees to get vaccinated, federal agency determines (