McDonald's wants to let AI take orders at restaurants in future (
AI automation in the workplace is about to reach a major tipping point (
20 Jobs That AI Will Replace in the Next 5 to 10 years (
AI is coming for your job. Once humans are replaced by the AI workforce, what will we do for money? Or will the "useless eaters," be sent to some barricaded Utopia where we will eat bugs, own nothing and be happy? McDonald's wants to let AI take orders at restaurants in future ( AI automation in the workplace is about to reach a major tipping point ( 20 Jobs That AI Will Replace in the Next 5 to 10 years (
First they came for the toilets, and I sat idly by, next it was smokers, and I said nothing. They took the fluorescent light bulbs away and I hid in the dark. Then they came for the trans-fat, and I let it slide on by. They came for the 16oz sodas, and I turned away. Finally they came for the chips and the milk, and I said enough! Right now, if I lived in New York City, I’d be breaking the law. Add a bag of popcorn and I could potentially be a felon. There could be police check points as you enter the movie theatre. (Tickets please, would you mind removing your shoes?) Dude all I have are Raisinets.
(Why chocolate covered raisins are called Raisinets; and chocolate covered peanuts not called peanutets? I mean why not just call them chocolate covered raisins? Perhaps the better question is, why not a fancy name for chocolate covered peanuts?) Sorry, just another random thought. It seems that the Mayor of New York wants to become “Nanny in Chief.” Is his goal to make the “Big Apple” the “Small Apple?” If I choose to move to NYC, why can’t I be a French fry eating, soda slurping, chain smoking, fat slob? Perhaps the Mayor would like to check my underwear and see if I’ve changed it? Of course, that is the TSA’s job, but hell, given the current state of our federal, state, and local governments. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind joining together to limit our freedoms even further. However, we will accept these infringements as they are for our safety. Take a look around; there are so many surveillance cameras today that I’ve applied for my Screen Actor’s Gild card. The state Legislature wants to pass a law that would allow Philadelphia to continue using cameras at red lights and would extend their use to other cities in Pennsylvania. I’m all for safety and security, but at what cost? Think about it, we spend more time on camera than Mel Gibson. The soundtrack of our lives should be the Police’s “Every Breath You Take.” We are told what to eat, what to drink, what type of light bulbs we can use, and who to marry. We are being recorded on cameras almost everywhere we go, stopped at seatbelt and DUI checkpoints. It doesn’t surprise me that I can’t have a 16 oz pop, since I can only have 1 ½ gallons of water in my toilet. For the love of God, can’t you leave us alone and let us live our lives. The problem with Pennsylvania politics is not who votes, but who runs.
If our friends in Harrisburg want more people to vote, then move Election Day to the second Saturday of the month and extend the time to 9 p.m. This would allow qualified voters to vote, and given the Saturday date, long lines would be avoided as there would be no pre- or post-work rush at polling locations. Real voter reform would be for our legislators to support the Voters Choice Act and allow third parties the opportunity to compete in elections. What real change, in state government, will we see if we have a 100 percent turnout for the lesser of two evils? I would argue, none. The corruption will continue, the good ol' boy and girl network will continue to rule and real reform for the citizens of Pennsylvania will never happen. It would be great if more people voted. It would be better still if more people were allowed to run for elected office by removing the ballot-access barriers imposed on third party and independent candidates for statewide office. We want change. Give us choices and allow us to vote for it. Given what we knew, or now know, regarding the COVID-19 vaccine; it doesn’t prevent COVID, it doesn’t stop the spread of COVID, and the side effects (Myocarditis, fibrous growths, blood clots, blindness, neurological issues, and the list goes on), the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania should pull all advertising that encourages taking the vaccination,or following the original vaccination with boosters. The “vaccine” has killed and maimed more people than the alleged COVID, itself. Along those same lines; Governor Tom Wolf, former Lt. Governor John Fetterman, former Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, and interim Secretary of Health Denise Johnson should be arrested and charged with murder, conspiracy to commit murder, fraud, assault and battery, child abuse and child endangerment. Wolf, Fetterman, and Levine, should also be held accountable for the economic damages their forced, and unnecessary, lockdowns caused to small businesses across the Commonwealth. “Just following orders,” did not work for the Nazis in Nuremburg, and it is not an acceptable defense today. Storm Warning my friends, the global population lockdown testing has begun in Oxfordshire, England. The ridiculousness of this "plan" to curb "global warming," almost unbelievable, but always remember; it is not about "saving" the planet, it is about enslaving you!!
Be warned, be prepared... Oxfordshire Council to Trial a Climate Lockdown Starting 2024 – Watts Up With That? Map of traffic filter permit area | Consultation on trial traffic filters 2022 | Let's Talk Oxfordshire Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown 'trial' to Begin in 2024 ( Traffic filters will divide city into six "15 minute" neighbourhoods, agrees highways councillor | Oxford Mail Since Elon Musk bought Twitter, the Left has been clutching their pearls in fear of free speech returning to the platform. Mr. Musk has opened the door to some banished accounts, while others wait to be granted an audience in Muskworld. Only time will tell if all those free speech refugees will be granted entry into the "new and improved," twitter.
Of course, there are those who believe that free speech should be limited to only those that share their worldview. Take Apple, for example. It seems that Apple is considering dropping Twitter from their app store and has stopped advertising on Twitter. Perhaps even more concerning, is the fact that Apple has censored its app store, and certain communication apps in China. Socially conscious Apple is not censoring CCP communications during people's protests, it is censoring the people. What would you expect from a company that has business interests, and uses basically slave labor, to do? Obviously, Apple knows which side their bread is buttered. Why fall out of favor with a tyrannical regime, and suffer financially, when there are billions of laborers they can use up. So, you lose a couple thousand employees to imprisonment or death, there are more where those came from; after all, you can't make an apple pie without slicing a few apples. Whether here, or in China, a marriage between corporations and government is fascism; and fascists are not fans of free speech. Apple is not your friend and has joined the CCP in in crushing dissent. Don't be shocked when they join the fascists in our government to censor speech and put down dissent. Apple has become rotten to the core. TUCKER CARLSON: Apple is now an active collaborator with China's murderous police state ( Apple Is Censoring its App Store for China | Tech Transparency Project Elon Musk says Apple stopped advertising and threatened to boot Twitter from app store - CBS News Wave the great "Red Wave," goodbye. The disaster, that was the 2022 midterms, falls directly at the GOP establishment's feet. Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna (ROMNEY) McDaniel could be given the ball on their opponent's one yard line, and four plays later, have scored a safety. This group make the Three Stooges look like Harvard graduates.
McFailure, would rather keep their leadership positions in the minority, and continue the destruction of the country; than risk the deplorables and the MAGA movement taking control of a dying party. The Biden Administration, the Democratic Party, Social Media, and the Mainstream Media are working 24/7 to destroy nation, while we need to send out a search party to find the GOP leadership. The so-called Republican leadership openly worked against populist candidates in the primaries and moved funds from competitive populist candidates in the general election to establishment candidates; which led to the loss of the Senate and a slim majority in the House. Where was the RNC, et al, in the stolen Arizona governor's race? Has a search party been formed to find any of the establishment leadership to support Herschel Walker in his Georgia Senate race run off? If the GOP keeps Team McFailure in their leadership position, the Republican Party will go the way of the Dodo bird, and deservedly so, as they were led by a group of dodos. Lord, how they have increased who trouble me!
Many are they who rise up against me. Many are they who say of me, “There is no help for him in God.” Selah But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. Selah I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people Who have set themselves against me all around. Arise, O Lord; Save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone; You have broken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongs to the Lord. Your blessing is upon Your people. Selah Lost. Found. Forgiven. Time to burn the ships, and engage the demonic enemy that seeks to destroy us.
Joshua 1:9 The freedom of a country can only be measured by its respect for the rights of its citizens, and it’s my conviction that these rights are in fact limitations of state power that define exactly where and when a government may not infringe into that domain of personal or individual freedoms that during the American Revolution was called “liberty” and during the Internet Revolution is called “privacy.”-Edward Snowden
john Gregory ParksI only worry about the things I can control; as I control nothing, I have no worries. Archives
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