What has become of our country? My friends, it is time to step up, get out of your comfort zone, and stop the eroding of our rights. If we do not make a stand now, we will lose everything to the fascists now waging war on us. It is time to unite for the common cause of saving our nation.

Joe Biden, his administration, and the Democratic Party goose step us closer and closer to their dream Nazi State.
Capitol Police to use Army surveillance system on Americans to 'identify emerging threat' - Washington Times
Jen Psaki: If you're banned by one social media platform for disinformation, you should be banned by others – HotAir
Jen Psaki Reveals Biden Administration's Orwellian Effort to Censor 'Misinformation' on Social Media – RedState
Critics slam Biden administration's reported plan to monitor vaccine misinformation in text messages | Fox News
Outdoor surveillance key IoT spend for govt (istart.com.au)
Final Destination Reception Facilities and FEMA Fun Camps Await | Winter Watch