Reflections on, and observing this mask madness... Sure, I dance like an old white guy who cares? At least I'm free!! We have to stop the Feardemic madness and stop the government liberty grab, Resist 1984. Come on, America. I know you can do it. A special shout out to one of my influencers... Mr. James Brown I am fed up with this COVID/Vax feardemic. #COVID19 #VaccineMandate #MyBodyMyChoice #PoliceState #PrisonPlanet #Resist1984 Sure the Deep State gave you COVID19 and Vaccinations to kill you; I'm old school, I've been dealing with Chemtrails for years. Chemtrails one of the original depopulation techniques, and still going strong. |
JG ParksThoughts off the top of my head the fell of and spilt here... Archives
January 2025
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