Pope Francis Calls for ‘New World Order’ After the Pandemic (breitbart.com)
I am not a prophet, or claim to be; yet, I truly believe we are entering the last days, if not, this is a very scary preview of things to come. Take a look at the Book of Revelation, a part of the Bible most churches don't teach, and you will see many of the events unfolding.
It is interesting that those who say, that people would not willing take the "Mark of the Beast," willing line up for an unproven vaccination, that does not free you from wearing a mask, or social distancing. There are other events in Revelation that are now, not so much a "things to come," but things that are coming.
For example, the cashless society. Bitcoin is making the headlines, and could possibly become the one world currency, but, do we need a one world currency when cash is digital? How often do you use plastic, or even your phone to pay? We are willing leaving cash behind, and the current pandemic has been instrumental in this sea change.
Given the willingness to get vaccinated to "return to normal," or under threat of not being able to travel or work; how much more compliant will people be to get chipped, because as stated in Revelation 13:17, "and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or name of the beast, or the number of his name."
Finally, the Pope calling for a "New World Order." What better way to control the masses, create the one world currency, and set up the system that can implement the "Mark of the Beast?" Many believe that the Catholic Church and Pope will be instrumental in ushering the one world religion.
Pope Francis seems to be leading an ecumenical movement to bring together various religions and social justice movements under a united religion.
Many I have spoken to have an ominous feeling about the future. They sense that the changes happening today, are not good, and society will only get worse. There is a lack of control of events that leads to a hopelessness. Fear, frustration and a sense of isolation take their toll on the body and relationships. One can sense the darkness spreading unchecked across the nation and the world.
Do not despair. There is hope, and victory over the forces of darkness. That hope is Jesus Christ. The things of this earth are temporary; your pain, your hurt, your fear. No matter what happens in this life, we must never lose sight of our eternal life. Jesus took on all sins, for all time; your sins and my sins.
To have peace in this life, and life eternal, I would ask you to put your faith in Jesus. Ask Him into your heart, ask for the forgiveness of your sins, take Him as your Savior, and accept His gift of eternal life. The troubles of this world will not vanish away, but you will have a peace and perspective of the events.
The victory has been won!
that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.