Here in the United States, we are being divided into two groups, vaxxed and uncaxxed. The unvaccinated are being denied services, jobs, and entertainment. The deaths of the unvaccinated are being greeted with joy, while the vaccinated that die mysteriously from aliments that they never been diagnosed, are mourned, with the proper reverence.
Any opposing views on treatments, the value of vaccines, masks, lockdowns, or origin of the pandemic are silenced. To speak out against the “science,” is to be branded a heretic. Refusal to take the vaccination can result in job loss, expulsion from school, and public shaming. It seems that free speech and free thought, makes one an enemy of the state.
The state wants compliance, they force business to impose the compliance they can’t legislate. The state knows that fear is a great motivator in surrendering liberty and freedom, for safety and security. The legacy media, Big Phrama, Big Med, government leaders, and social media, feed the fear, and division among us.
The freedoms that were fought for in 1776 to remove the bonds of tyranny, the battles of the Civil War that remove the chains of slavery, the battles of two World Wars to keep us free from tyrants and world dictatorship, will have been fought for nothing if we allow this medical tyranny to enslave us.
“If a man can only obey and not disobey, he is a slave.”-Erich Fromm