How did it get to be like this? Is the hard work of faith too much for us? God’s standard is perfection, it is impossible to attain that standard. Perhaps that is why we just stop fighting the daily battles we face. Maybe we lose sight of Jesus, and what He did for us in dying for our sins.
It seems we have put blinders on in regard to the importance of that sacrifice, and the important role that faith in God had in the founding of our country, and in the lives of people. We are erasing God from the public square and yet, wonder where God is now, and in times of trouble.
There seems a new theology is taking hold, and it is a welcome one. It goes like this; God is a loving God, and He would not send people to Hell. Jesus died for all sinners, so everyone can go to Heaven. That’s nice, but not true. It is a lie that is easy and comforting to believe, but it is condemning untold numbers of souls to Hell. Satan is all about comfort for you in this world, and your eternal suffering in eternity.
We all struggle, all step off the path, and all fall short of the mark. God does love you. Jesus did die for your sins. God is perfect, and just. Only the sinless can enter Heaven. Jesus died to wash your sins away. He is the bridge to Heaven.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6)
As we struggle with faith and life’s challenges do not be fooled.
John 3:16-17