We are killing ourselves as a nation, and as a people, by removing God from the public square. No prayer in school, has led to school shootings, drug dependence, and a lack of respect for those in authority at school, and fellow students. We now have teachers and students having relationships, and children. Removing God from government buildings has led to corruption, a sense of entitlement, the abuse of intern and pages, and no fear of justice for the crimes being committed.
The removal of God, and Christian themes in Hollywood and the media ahs created a product that has destroyed the family, normalized the vilest behaviors, led to a desensitizing to the violence, sexual promiscuity, and drugs. Bad behavior has become cool and encouraged. Women long for the “bad boy, bully,” to protect them, but suffer in an abusive relationship that they seem unable to escape; and when they do it is often with tragic consequences. Men chase the “bad girl,” but become upset with her, when her past comes up before him. We live in a time when men think they are women, women think they are men, and anyone who disagrees is labeled a “Hater.”
Our society is fearless. It does not fear the consequences of their actions, it does not fear how their actions will impact others, and it does not fear God. Yes, God is love; also remember that God is just.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”-Proverbs 9:10
Please understand this, there is a just God, and there is a Hell. Both are real. You need to make a decision to turn to Jesus Christ and be saved from this suicidal world and have an eternity in Heaven. All the choices we make, are ours, we own them. As Larry Norman sang many years ago, “Why don’t you look into Jesus?”